
A Treasure For My Daughter | The Wandering Chew

Sometimes working in an 'office of one' can get a little bit lonely. As much as I enjoy the lifestyle of a freelancer and how it allows me to work on my own schedule from almost anywhere, there are times that I wish there were other people around to eat lunch with, share a motivational high five or have a mid-day energizing dance party. This solitude is why I particularly appreciate (and jump on!) any opportunity to work repeatedly and collaborate with various people. Last fall I was invited to photograph The Wandering Chew's first pop-up dinner, their second in February and earlier this month their third! Centred around Jewish cuisine and culture each dinner celebrates a certain (ethno)- Jewish community and/or tradition. Their recent dinner highlighted the holiday of Shavout and the cookbook called "A Treasure for My Daughter". Guests enjoyed three courses of dairy-based dishes from the cookbook which were all inspired by Ashkenazi Jewish tradition. Throughout the evening, the hostesses Kat and Sydney and special guests shared readings and personal experiences to inform guests about the women who wrote this cookbook and its place in the Montreal Jewish community. Not only is it great to do what I love, learn about new cultures and traditions, but it's especially wonderful to work with familiar faces. Thanks again to The Wandering Chew for having me!


West Coast Road Trip | Part Three | Seattle, WA

This post makes something very clear to me, I cannot visit a space that I find interesting and without taking photos of it. It's impossible (unless I don't have my camera)… I simply can't resist and better yet, I won't resist! This observation is not surprising given where my visual interests lie however, by creating this post, it caused me to reflect again on what attracts my eye and personal interest. On vacation most people take photos of important monuments and the food they enjoyed, which I do too, but just in smaller quantities I suppose. Really, it's the unique places that I want to remember. So here you have it, Seattle (the last stop on our road trip to the west coast) through the eyes of an aspiring interior photographer. 

Places visited (top to bottom):
Anna's home
The Kingfish Cafe (best Southern food I've had in a non-Southern place)

ps. New travel goal = remember to take photos of the food because everything we ate was incredible and I don't have any visual proof of it. 


Lauren Kolyn is a lifestyle photographer based in Toronto, Canada.

Contact: kolyn.lauren@gmail.com